I’m not sure when I started not liking this day. Did someone break my heart? Was it because when my school did those stupid rose and candy giveaways, where you could send someone something in their homeroom and I didn’t get any, and now I’m still simmering about it? Nah. I honestly think it’s because of the commercialization of it. But then that would mean I needed to not like Easter and Christmas. So I’m changing my mind. I like Valentine’s day.

I put this image on Facebook this morning. My daughter spent hours and finger joints to make individual cards for each one of her first grade students. She drew something she knew each of them loved dearly. I secretly hope they flip over them! Love comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s me telling her to be careful on her way to work. Sometimes it’s me telling my son if he leaves on his television at night any more, I’ll take it out. Blue light, you know? Of course he doesn’t view this as love. But strangely it is. What do I care if it’s on? Or that I have to trudge up the flight of stairs to monitor it being off? He will only know the struggle when he gets his own little person who denies himself sleep by a loud playing t.v.

I’ve veered from the subject of the day! Have a wonderful, love-filled day everyone!! Hug someone you know. I’m sure it must release something when you do. Smile at a stranger and say hello. A non-strange, stranger, that is. And have a happy Valentine’s Day!

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