sundayIt’s Sunday…I finally made it. I went to work all week completely not well. A few times I lost my voice. Which made my children sing with happiness, but no one who asked me a question quite liked the fact they had to push out an ear to hear me better. Go figure.

So I’m a huge “goal driven” girl. Or possibly just an OCD list writer. Whichever you prefer. I have lists everywhere–napkins, day planner, phone, computer… This year I only purchased one planner..I’m a work in progress. 🙂 On the weekends I post said list on white board next to fridge. At times I include other people’s list. (I like to provide the wandering and lost some goals to aspire to!) Long story short…today has only one goal: Write a Novel. Will do. I’ve given myself the guilty leisure of performing only one task–to write. I’m feeling a bit tingly about it. Well, tingly and a bit crappy. Back to not feeling well.

I’m forced to do a little rough diagnosis. Like rough justice, you know? I’ve assessed the situation, realized I’m getting no better, and so I will begin a round of antibiotics. I hoard medicine like no one’s business. “Didn’t need that whole bottle of vertigo medicine? I’ll take it!” “So it wasn’t gout you had? Give me the meds, I’ll keep ’em in case the situation ever arises with me.” Thankfully doctors tried to overdose a few of my children a couple times, so I have an extra bottle or two on hand. I mean no one takes 4 amoxicillins, 500 mg a day. For Pete’s sake. 1000 mg every 24 hours is more than enough. My problem is that I didn’t take the immunity power like I should. I wavered on the third day, not feeling like I needed it anymore. Note to future self…

Changing topic: This week I’ve done something completely different. Forgive me if I posted already. But instead of listening to my music each morning on my commute, I listened to lectures. Yes, I made my car my university. I learned some amazing things. It’s such a high when you have that ‘aha’ moment about something that could drive your story to amazing places. It was difficult staying in my chair at work and not being able to implement my newfound knowledge into my manuscript. ah-ha-moments

Yes, work. I was knee-deep in tax forms. Drunk on numbers. Dancing in the streets with calculations. It played havoc with my OCD dealing with double and triple checking things. I mean once that form goes to the IRS, then to the client, it’s over. Any changes made would have to go through another set of forms. I will be dancing a glorified jig when it’s all over on Monday. Provided I start my medicine and feel something more than a withered piece of whatever…barely able to breathe…sufficiently blowing off my little red nose. Yeah, I better get to medicating. Have a great day, everyone! 🙂 *sniff, sniff*


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