Recently I’ve been melting into a few series on my streaming device. I can remember when I was younger and a mini-series, as they called it then, would come on the air, and I’d get excited. Of course back then, you had to wait each evening to see a new one, and it typically lasted no longer than four episodes. One that I remember vividly is The Thorn Birds. Wow, what a series. And of course back then I was young, I didn’t have much to do, and a guiltless mind to watch it every night. Now…years later, I have too much to do. If I worked nonstop, I don’t think I would ever finish what I have to do, so watching a series either has to be done while I’m cleaning a kitchen, cooking in the kitchen, or in my darkened closet on my IPAD.

Sweet Magnolias…I recently began this series because not only does it flash on the screen as the number one show, but it is based on the books by a newly found dear friend. Not having the opportunity to read the books, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Wow, was I pleasantly surprised. Not only did I devour each episode, but I found myself in the closet more, watching sometimes two at a time! Gah. It was not only series ‘crack’, but each show fed my soul. There was so much of what the world needs now…hope, friendship, and lessons in life. It painted in all the cracks I needed filled. I was so very sad when I watched the last one and realized there were no other seasons available. I’m hoping it carries on, for sure.

One Mississippi….I know what you’re thinking. There couldn’t be a more polar opposite of Sweet Magnolias as One Mississippi. What can I say? I’m eclectic. What I like about this show is the true-to-life characters. What I’ve heard or read, I don’t remember which, is that it’s a true account of Tig, the main character. I saw her in a movie recently with Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon (another excellent, guilty watch). She was funny…a dry funny. Just her personality is a hoot to me. There are a few episodes that are over-the-top, kind of with a musical vibe or complete nonsense, but I get through the moment. I’m a fan of the dynamics, mostly. But again, I feel the pang of guilt as I sit and watch it. Shouldn’t I be cleaning? writing? changing sheets? are those kids still expecting dinner? lol

So what have you been watching? And do you feel bad for it? Why is it that we feel bad for unwinding? Certainly I’m the first one who preaches that we can’t pour from an empty cup. What if these series fill my cup? I need to take some advice from the girl in the mirror, I guess. And turn that light on in the closet, or heck, come out altogether and watch them on the big screen! A show a day…okay, maybe two, isn’t going to kill anyone. That nasty toilet isn’t offending anyone in the house, certainly not those kids who keep using it. 🙂

Have a good week, friends! 🙂

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