depositphotos_82452768-Portrait-of-beautiful-woman-with-red-hairAmy Whitfield is the wife of Wesley Whitfield. It’s how she introduces herself….how since she was in high school, she dreamed of being introduced. That’s how long she’s had a crush on that guy. But she wasn’t the first one to date him. No, her twin sister Ashley was his high school sweetheart. Unlike Amy, Ashley had no desire to stay around and get married. And after tragedy struck and both Wesley and Amy’s parents lost their lives, it was just the two of them left behind. Nature took over and after a brief courtship, they married.

Lately though, something’s been missing in her marriage. That’s why Amy is in a lingerie shop buying things she doesn’t even know how they work. It’s no surprise, Amy’s always been a good girl to a fault. That’s how her high society mother raised her. Amy knows nothing about what her friends are talking about at work when they talk trash about their men. She chokes on pudding when they ask how many times a week she has sex. A week? She’s only interested in when the next Hallmark feature presentation comes on. And she smiles, knowing that Wesley will be downstairs viewing boxing while she watches it. Their marriage has been working like this since pretty much the beginning. Until lately…

Wesley has been coming home late in the evenings. And when he finally gets there, he’s already eaten dinner. He’s got another out-to-town seminar to attend in two weeks. And he’s been less attentive to her stories about work.

Amy takes all of that in account as she straps on the nighty that she hopes will begin to capture Wesley’s attention again. But she’s too late…  As she stumbles downstairs, wearing fishnet stockings and three-inch heels, she sees the note on the fridge. He’s left her. Now what?

Read what happens to Amy, as she tries to change herself to be the woman Wesley can’t possibly leave. It’s a change that will forever alter her life, unlike she ever thought.

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