You_ve_Got_Mail-575811674-largeWho doesn’t love “You’ve Got Mail”? That’s what is playing and keeping me company on this Friday morning. It’s my first day in forever that I am home alone. Even if it’s only for a few hours before going to work.

This movie is indeed a classic. My copy is so old and used that it wears coffee marks. Yet it continues to play. But come on, dial up connections? And actual brick and mortar bookstores? Both are going to be extinct one day and I fear this movie will be a “black and white” classic to my children. “Didn’t you used to watch that, Mom? Wow look, they have laptops…how old is that?” And I’ll say, “Yes, it was such a good movie. I watched it until the disk wore a hole in it.”

Anyway, this week has been CRAZY!! So many new things have happened to me. Two of which I plan to formally announce in a later post. But I did receive my cover art tease for book two, “A Reason to Stay.” It is fabulous. So cute. So flirty. I love it. I hope everyone else will. I have to come up with a blub line now, to add to it. You know, what will entice someone to actually consider reading it. No pressure there:) I’ll just procrastinate long enough until I grab an egg timer and demand my creative side of the brain to come up with it in the next five minutes, or else. It will happen, I know it. The egg timer scares my brain into fast production!

I’ve been working at my ‘old’ job this week. The one I can’t seem to ever leave and break free of. It depends on me too much. The one thing I do love about it is the people. The first two hours I return from not being there, I get to talk it up with everyone. Then the work comes…DOM, DOM, DOM. It involves paperwork, numbers, reconciliation, and tax forms. Ahh….  It’s all good. I will get to the end of the month and have all of these things completed. I’ll just go in when the place is closed, set the egg timer and get to it!

Well, back to everything I have to do this morning! I look over to my trusty movie…Tom Hanks is still being coy and Meg is still being her cute self. I always wanted her hair-do when she was doing all these movies. “French Kiss”, “When Harry Met Sally”… I’d take a picture of her to the hair stylist at least once a year, at which time I’d leave the establishment disappointed. My hair is simply too thin and too brown to pull it off. I’m slowly coming around to loving this hair that I’ve had all my life–the hair that refuses to look like any celebrity’s hair.

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