Disappointment comes in two varieties…in yourself or in others. I can take the others part. That’s easy. It’s typically found because of some warped idea I felt the other person needed to be or do something. So what…they aren’t either one of those. Move on. Get over it. Or them, I should say. Or…and I’m just saying it because I’m doing all this mindfulness stuff lately, but ask yourself if possibly you could look at things (them) differently and then things might change. It’s a thought. And it generally always comes back to us being the painters of our own realities.


Now the suffocating stuff…disappointment in ourselves. If we’re truly in sync with the world, we’re aware of things. Aware of how we suck at seeing the pounds pack on and still going for seconds of the blueberry cobbler. Aware that we hate to apologize for being late, yet leave with only minutes to get there. They say (whoever they are) choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Ask my younger self and I’d choose the latter all day long. Why? Because I had the time to try new things on like bathing suits in the springtime. Now? I’ve had enough butt whippings from life to let me know that the discipline isn’t as horrible as it might sound. It takes time off of serving the sentence of regret. It makes one better. A better student, a better teacher.

Disappointment is going to happen; it’s in the rule book, under the section ‘mandatory’ when you enter this world. Don’t let it be from your own doing. And when the day is done and you’ve legitimately failed, even though you put in the discipline, shake it off. Pat yourself on your back for a job well done. Failure isn’t for lack when you’ve given it your all…it’s just a door closing so another one, a better one can open for the new you!

This message, brought to you on a Monday morning, no doubt, with no coffee ingested for final edits. Have a wonderful week and get into a mindset of success!! I believe in you. 🙂


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