I’m not the only one, right? I mean you innocently pick up the book you wait all day to continue, and just like that! it’s 11:00 and you know you should go to bed. But wait. What was meant by that last sentence before the new chapter begins? One little paragraph won’t hurt. You’ll find out what you need to know then put away the book, right? Wrong. Before you know it, you’re cursing the relentless alarm clock and angry at the fresh world that hasn’t seen your book hangover yet.
But wait, you have an idea. To avoid all the nasty looks you feel like giving to the chirpy people around you, who have no clue as to the time you’ve sacrificed sleeping to get just ‘one more chapter’ read, you can figure on going to bed on time when the night comes again. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Just adapt a little reading diet, if you will, and refuse to read any more than one chapter.
Yeah, right.
Just do yourself a favor…and the other unsuspecting people around you the next early day…set the coffee pot to brew and lay out your clothes the night before. These are things we can get behind. Things that tell us it’s okay to keep reading. You’ve saved yourself a few minutes with doing some of the prep work the night before. Now, get reading! 🙂
Happy reading, all!