No, this isn’t a scientific post. This is a plea for help. Ever since, oh I don’t know, my fifth child, I’ve slipped into an unhealthy pattern of eating. Like everything. And unlike my high school days, when I could eat down the house and still appear toothpick thin, things are beginning to settle unfavorably. If you look close enough, you can spot that last cupcake’s silhouette right in the hip area. And I can’t stop!

It’s like food has become a constant companion. A reason to wake up…’what will I eat today?’ A reason to go places…’sure, I’ll go let medical students experiment on me, do they have a buffet there?’ And it was never like that. Food did nothing for me. And isn’t that just life? I don’t like food and it evaporates once it touches my cells. I like food and it crowds organs to gain more real estate. So I was laying here trying not to think of all the fun things I bought at the store to eat. I thought maybe I should think of ways to not eat. Here is my short list:

  1. Make crappy food
  2. Think of everything I eat as being regurgitated
  3. Buy nothing I like
  4. If I choose to eat, eat while running in place

Yeah, it’s not a wonderful list. And it’s so easy to just eat. Forget fighting the impossible. Then I watch something with an amazing skinny girl staring in it and I’m like, ‘no breakfast tomorrow, lunch will be a grape.’ I was watching Julianne Hough just now and her body is just crying for nutrition. Ok, so when I say nutrition, I’m really saying rocky road ice cream. And isn’t good? But then you’re looking at your boyfriend who is looking at that skinflint on the television and you know he’s admiring all the skin, twisting, and dancing. How graceful she handles herself. And why shouldn’t she, she only has 80 pounds to navigate. You take my hundred plus and I might soon need a beeper when I’m backing up. Before I know it, I’m seeing myself as the junkyard rat who will end up crying in that carnation instant breakfast and hearing all those minerals mocking me as they slip down my throat. It ain’t pretty, but neither am I in the mirror. lol

Long post, short….I need help with the sugar in my house. I need to be okay that it lives here with me and I don’t need to stalk it anymore. Any suggestions? I’m open! I’ve got to get rid of the hips. Sweater season is almost gone!

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