It’s always a little tough on release day. So many emotions and thoughts flying around my insides. Will they like it? Will they hate it? Will they write me the reasons why? How many will give it a try? It’s always so much hype for me to release a book. The days marked until the big one. Then getting there and waiting to see how it goes. Sometimes…most of the time, I don’t actually find out a book’s success until weeks later. I don’t mean sales, I mean reviews. How people feel when the last page is turned over and it’s shut down. After the digestion of what was read. I’ve received a few reviews on this one…Forget Me Not. They’ve been complimentary. Thankfully. And then there were a few reviewers that politely told me they couldn’t finish because of the trigger of alcohol. To which I was sorry to hear. And to realize it is in fact a trigger for some. And although I feel empathy, understanding, and compassion, the fact is that it exists. Sadly it does. And it is found in my latest release. I hope the mention doesn’t put off readers. I know the first two books were a bit milder than the third one. The fourth one is a bit calmer…I promise!

So read on! Please, read on. Read Forget Me Not and let me know what you think. Or pick a few stars and push enter. Either way, let me know what you think. This inquiring mind wants to know!


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