What have I done? This is either the expression on my face when I read my reviews, or the expression of my reader’s faces when they arrive at the last page of my book. I apologize if I droned on about it last post, but it’s fresh in my brain, having read another review just now. And I quote…”because it left me feeling like, “wait, what?”        I know, I know, I know. I’ve got a problem. No one should ever read the last page of their book…the one they’ve given good time to, and utter that sentiment.  “Hello, my name is Julieann, and I can’t seem to sneak up on an ending. I just pounce it with all my might, then run away.”  NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD at all. So I read the ending again. Surely the entire population who’ve read and reviewed my book can’t be wrong. (not that a review is ever wrong. it’s subjective, for Pete’s sake) But let’s shed some light…light a candle….throw up a flare. What happened to that ending that has everyone boo hissing it? Well, not really, but in my brain I can hear all the sound effects, therefore the ending must be complete and utter junk. Like I’ve driven everyone to a nice, serene cliff, thrown up pictures of my sweet little heroine, fixed her hair in bows, given her a little cup of splendor to sip upon, then BAM. Thrown her over and yelled out, “To be continued”.

Back to my personal review of the ending… subjective as everything is, I found it to be all right. I’ve could’ve driven slower, talked about the colors in the sky, the broken zipper on her boot and how it grated her nerves, or even talked about last minute memories she was having about a certain someone. But I’m not like that. Well, I’m like that, but maybe not during the final scene. I apologize. With sincerity, wearing my heart on my sleeve. Because everyone wants to read like that, approaching the last page. So I told myself. I’ll change it. I’ll send out a reprint, talk about how fast the car was going, what fresh rain smelled like, how it puddled on the windshield, like memories settling in her mind. But try as I am trying, I sort of like the ending. There’s no bones about it. This is what happened. And for it, I’m stuck. Stuck wanting to please readers…because let’s face it, without the kind souls of these wonderful people, what is my passion worth? But I can’t. For some reason, there is a hard drive issue in my brain. There is no where that I find I can insert such words. So to better the situation…to rectify my grave injustice to the ending of my precious book baby…I’m finishing the second installment with the speed-of-light quickness. Well, not too fast. I don’t want another ending like I had in book one!!!

Help me…I end things without warning!!!!!



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