Welcome to my blog! I write women’s fiction. I’m sort of addicted to writing about the journey a woman has to go through in order to discover a few things about herself. It doesn’t hurt to find a bit of love along the way! I also like to blog about books I’ve read, movies I’ve watched, and other random thoughts that go through my mind. Every now and then, I’ll include some recipes I can’t do without. Please feel free to leave comments, I really hate talking to myself!

It’s Release Day!
It's always a little tough on release day. So many emotions and thoughts flying around my insides. Will they like it? Will they hate it? Will they...
New Year, New Books!!
Happy New Year! Boy have I got a load of words for you all to read. The writer inside my brain has been processing a lot lately. Perhaps it got an...
Book Review of Expiration Dates
Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on...
A Family Affair…A sort of review
Sometimes on Friday we actually do what we plan and watch a movie! I did just that this past Friday. I selected A Family Affair. I'd seen the...
Measuring Up
Being the youngest of a large family is sometimes not as glamorous as the first-born might try to argue. It's funny, I had as many kids as my...
Who is ready for More Sweet Magnolias?
I don't know about you but when that last scene rolled away on the screen of my television, I thought I was going to go through withdrawal by the...

Gearing Up!
I've been busy with promotion as of late. It's the moment I await, after the book is painfully written...with no clue as to the ending...no sleep until edits are polished, then off to the presses. It's an amazing feeling. Seeing it wrapped up in finality. Words...

My Love Affair With Storytelling
I credit my mother for this passion of storytelling. I was asked not too long ago how I am able to write hundreds of pages telling a story. I'm sure it might sound daunting to some, but to me it is pure excitement to walk around in my mind, finding characters and...

Are You Still Watching?
Recently I've been melting into a few series on my streaming device. I can remember when I was younger and a mini-series, as they called it then, would come on the air, and I'd get excited. Of course back then, you had to wait each evening to see a new one, and it...