I realize there were come a time one day as I sit in my room, secluded and isolated from family because of my old age, (we all know younger people make little time for their elders) and remember how I used to be sooo busy. Maybe. Will I live to be that old? Working like this? Who knows. All I do know…at this very moment…after this very busy week, is that there is such a thing as too busy. It’s rather awful, really. Every day I’ve had appointments, endless hours of driving, picking up/dropping off, last minute grocery shopping, etc. I’d have to say I never complained aloud. Always had a smile. But let me tell you, by Thursday evening after 6 doctor’s appointments, a full week of my job, volley ball, and a foot surgery…..I’m pooped! And I still have a dentist and hair appointment awaiting me at 8 am. tomorrow. It’s insane. By the way, I haven’t had a hair cut since January…I’m definitely due! Will next week be different? Sure. They all are. But there’s something to know, something to always keep in perspective: when we’re too busy, we miss everything around us. The snuggles, the stories, and the companionship. It becomes a blur. Then I’m in my old age room wondering how it all flew by.

It’s okay to be tired, right? It’s okay that I don’t want to do all of it, right? Not all at one time at least. It stresses me out. And who can effectively be all those things? Business owner, author, Mom, girlfriend, yada yada? Well we can, but can we successfully? Can I remember to add all the fruits and protein in their diet, as well as wash the socks and email that teacher? It’s daunting, buddy. Daunting.

I listened to a mindfulness station yesterday while driving to my job. It was such gibberish that I ended up turning it, but I wish there was something to remind me to be mindful. Maybe some hints. Maybe just a road sign, blinking….SLOW DOWN!!!

In this horrible pandemic, I hope everyone has experienced a moment of slowing down. You know, after you concluded that cleaning out your closet was a monumental mistake? I’m in week 4 of walking around piles of clothes in mine. One to donate, one that I wish I’ll be that skinny again, and one that I just would cry if someone made me take it to goodwill, but I know the style is dead. Never to return. Should’ve thrown it out while I was in high school. Nah, it’s not that bad. On the bright side, stores, after not being open for a couple months, are trying to move some clothes. Sales are great! So as bags exit my closet, new things enter it. I digress…..Slowing down is good, Busy is bad. Don’t be so busy. (I’m telling myself, but you can listen too, if you need).

Busy…the new 4 letter word.


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