walkingReviews! I’ve gotta say, “I love to read them.” I hear about authors who don’t read them, and I have to wonder why. Sure, there is one out there right now that I scratch my head and wonder what the deal was, but all in all, I’m very happy with all the reviews. I love reading how someone feels about the characters. Their thoughts about Wesley, Mark, and Tom. It’s like eavesdropping on something you said and hearing everyone’s reactions!

I’m happy about all the people who read and liked Amy. She and I have become very close over the past year. And yes! the common characterization of her is to rip those rose-colored glasses off her face, but haven’t you known someone who never gives up? Especially if they’re insecure and all they know is what they know. And they fight tooth and nail to keep it? Sure, you have. At least I know a few Amys!

Anyway, I wanted to share a giveaway that ends very soon. I actually have a few. Goodreads has one that’s running all month, and Fresh Fiction will have another one beginning April 1. This one though is with Amazon. It’s a giveaway for a free copy of “Waking Amy.” So if you haven’t met this girl, enter the contest for a chance to. Her story will continue in two additional books to follow. Don’t miss out on the first one!

I hope you try it out!




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