Girls Watching TelevisionBy definition, binge means excessive, and we all know that anything in excess is not a good thing. But, last weekend I became somewhat of a sloth on Sunday. I sat in front of my television and binge watched Army Wives. It’s my new find. I purchased it during Christmas while buying a gift for my son. Quite a bad habit of mine. One for you, two for me. I know, right? Christmas? It’s all about giving, but it was there…and half off. So, nothing lost. And, I do mean nothing lost. It wasn’t long after I started watching that I became hooked. I needed to see the next one. But, as I preach to my kids about self control of one episode of whatever a day, so did I follow suit. That was until last Sunday. I watched like five episodes in a row. Yikes!! Okay, so first for those who don’t know me, I rarely sit long enough for this to take place. I’m usually washing clothes, ironing shirts, cleaning the kitchen, organizing the closet…something. But, after a long week at work, I became vegetative. It was wonderful while it lasted. Then, I rolled off the chair and realized what’d happened. All of my day was gone. The sun was moving below the horizon and everyone was winding down. What had I done? Suddenly I became regretful. Sure, I knew Claudia Joy had survived the car accident, Jeremy was coming home, and Trevor wasn’t getting deployed. But, what about the day. It was lost forever. Soon it would be time to go to sleep and get up to do it all again. And all I had was the itinerary of all the characters on Army Wives.

I suppose it’s alright to do this once in a blue moon, but I can’t see myself losing precious hours again by becoming moulded into my chair. Plus, one episode a day still gives me something to look forward to. Anyone else watching during the airing of the show has to wait a week. And, one a day is completely sufficient. After all, it’s the only television I watch.

I’ll try not to feel bad about it. But, I know that there is so much more out in the world to appreciate. It only takes an hour to shake the trembles for loading the next episode. Get past that and you’ve beat the addiction for the day. I believe it should be a treat, not a captor.


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